Kindly note that we can still develop for sale the DP2 PSV FOR CONVERSION TO CLV
following high specs new 2x RR UT735 PSV
sister Vessels:
Itamaracá (Completed: 73.1%) and “BS Jeriocacoara”. (completed 85pct)
2 x sisters PSVs Rolls-Royce UT735 that are 85% and 85% constructed.
They are in Brazil.
Owners would be willing to sell them as is to be finished with a partner.
Or they can sell them as parts. The boat parts and equipment have
never been used.
PSV1 (Completed: 85.3%): “BS Itamaraca”
PSV2 (Completed: 73.1%): “BS Jeriocacoara”.
Location: Rio de Janeiro area
LOA : 91.4 m
Breadth moulded 19.00
Depth main deck 8.80m
Design draft amidships 6.50m
Service Speed : 13 knots
Cargo deck approx. 900m2 arranged for four length
of pipe and with a load of 5t/m2.
Hull material : carbon steel
Cargo Capacity : 4500 tons. Deck area 1800 tons
Propulsion: 6800 BHP
Dynamic positioning
Propulsion and manoeuvring machinery is to be
diesel-electric driven and to consist of two side
tunnel thrusters and two off Azipull thrusters systems,
type AZP 100 aft
Accommodation: 16 crew and 6 passengers
Vessels are built for a great diversity of cargo to be transported.
– Water – Diesel oil – Drilling and production tubes – Drilling
and comple on fluids –
– Bulks (cement, mud, brine, barite, bentonine);
– Transport on deck of cargo of wooden boxes and / or containers
(rope, oxygen cylinder, acetylene cylinder, freon gas, steel
cable coil, polypropylene coil, etc.), equipment, pipes, food and parts;
– Loading operations on deck (unloading and receiving);
– Acids
– Oil recovery
– Fire fighting (Fire-Fighting);
Vessels originally built for Petrobras use.
Price for the 2xPSVs: USD 7 Mio nett to Sellers for TWO
vessels enbloc (and not per Vssl) as is with all parts and
equipment on the boats and in storage at the Rio de Janeiro marina.
FYI, other people are seriously interested by these Vsls, so
I recommend to act quickly, and revert with Buyers company
Profile, and their next move.